On my way… by Marie

Keep holding on to what you love & enjoy the ride of life




OLIVE… or the place to shop this summer if you wanna adopt the vintage preppy casual look that fits summer so well!!!! Thus I made 3 different collages, each of them reflecting a certain folksy & chic style!

As far as I’m concerned, I fell in love with my Casual Chic board! It’s pretty cool and classy at the same time! I just LOVE it, LOVE it, LOVE it!!! Though my own style is actually a mix of the 3 collages, I have a big crush for this one ;)!

What about you now, my lovely ones? Which one is your favourite? Which style is the closest to yours? Tell me everything, I’m listening (well… reading, actually ^^!)…

Olive1 Olive2 Olive3

Ready, Steady, SHOP!!!!!


I hope you liked this post and I also hope I made you feel like having lots of cheeky buys at OLIVE ^^ !!!

With this,

Keep holding on to what you love & enjoy the ride of life 😉



I am a “BALLERINA PUMP” addict !!!

In French, I would tell you… Parlons peu, Parlons bien, Parlons chaussures (ou plutôt ballerines ^^) which could be translated by “Let’s go straight to the point and let’s talk about shoes (or rather ballerina pumps ^^)”! But, for once, it sounds a bit better in French :p !!!

I am a BALLERINES addict

I’m terrible with shoes and I know that! But worth, I’m terrible with flats (and all kind of flats!)… I couldn’t even tell you how many of them I’ve got :s!!! But in the same time, I am a girl… so I can’t really help it, can I?!

Let’s take this selection I’ve made… I have picked 10 pairs of flats and, believe me, I have been extremely reasonable!!!! If you asked me right now which one I prefer, or which one I would buy for this summer, I would be totally unable to give you an answer! Or the answer would be ALL OF THEM!!! If only I was rich enough to buy them all :p! So I know I will have to pick a pair or two, and THAT’S ALL… but to be honest with you, my little angels, it’s already been 3 weeks I’m thinking about the pair that will fit me the best and I TRULY can’t pick a favourite!

Do I sound a bit desperate right now? Because I’m not! I am just a “BALLERINA PUMP” addict :p! #CannotHelpIt

Well anyway, that’s why I would like to appeal to your kindness and ask you to help me choose at least one pair of flats! 🙂

Which one, do you think , will fit my feet? haha RHYME!!!!! Which pair is, in your opinion, the ONE?

Looking forward to hearing from you & your so precious advices,

Keep holding on to what you love & enjoy the ride of life 😉

Lots of love to you, my sweet shoemakers of the day ❤



A lovely outfit from Hello it’s Valentine for a happy Wednesday morning :D

Hello it’s Valentine: Chaï Tea Latte Soja.

Hey! Happy Wednesday morning everyone! For today’s post, I decided to share one of Valentine’s last outfits (from Hello it’s Valentine), presented in her special article, entitled Chaï Tea Latte Soja!

I just have to say it… I simply love this fresh, summery and so romantic style she introduced on her blog a few days ago! It simply makes you want to enjoy life and have the most beautiful day you’ve ever had… doesn’t it?! So, let’s have a look at this stunning outfit now…

Pretty lovely, isn’t it?! I absolutely LOVE everything in it; from her headband to her shoes! :p

Plus, as she talked about her morning habits, mentioning her very precious soy Chaï tea latte, I, too, would like to share my little morning addictions with you… and then, if you want to, I’d be thrilled to hear about your own early guilty pleasures ^^

As far as I’m concerned, I am definitely and without any doubt a TEA ADDICT! My favourite one? The very classic and traditional English tea with a little bit of whipped milk or soy milk (I don’t really mind, I love both ^^), but NO sugar! Yep! That’s my little yummy guilty pleasure every morning (even if, as you can guess, the ‘morning tea’ is far from being the only one I drink during my day ;p!).

What about yours now, my lovely ones? What do you fancy having in your early mornings?

I have to leave you with this, as my day is going to be pretty busy (but I’ve already had 2 teas, so I should be fine ;p!!!) and I write to you very soon anyway 😉

Have a beautiful day, my dear readers! And…

Keep holding on to what you love & enjoy the ride of life 😉

Much love to all of you


I really have to go now ;)…


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A charity shop or should I say a real goldmine?!

Or even Ali Baba’s cave… Yes, that’s what working in a charity shop looks like! You can find everything you want, good or bad, but there’s everything : Clothes, Shoes, DVDs, CDs, Books, all sorts of accessorizes, bric-a-brac things, kids’ stuff …

Look FOX

The other day I found these really lovely dress and top. They’re nice, aren’t they? The shoes come from France, but I thought that they looked good with my new purchase!

As you may have guessed, I really like working there! I’m not paid, that’s true, I’m working as a volunteer, but who can dream of a better job when you have nothing but your Baccalauréat?! Honestly?!

I’m doing all kind of things like tidying, cleaning and tidying again but my favorite part of the job is when a donation comes and you open the bags which have just been brought and … SURPRISE (it’s often a good one, sometimes a REALLY good one & unfortunately it’s very bad some other times!!! :s) Anyway, the excitement’s always there!!!!

Moreover (and in my opinion, that’s what’s the most important thing when you do some volunteering in a charity shop such as the Sue Ryder one) all this work is eventually done for a good cause. Indeed the money we collect helps to provide incredible care for people with life-changing illness. Wether it’s bringing comfort to someone’s final days or enabling them to make the most of their lives…

Because it’s good not to be selfish sometimes…

Keep holding on to what and who you love & enjoy the ride of life 😉
