On my way… by Marie

Keep holding on to what you love & enjoy the ride of life



“I don’t wanna be someone who walks away so easily”

I won’t give up – Jason MRAZ

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© xdesx

“But if you tame me, then we
shall need each other.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

… and you did.

Nothing is easy. And becoming friends with the talented person you are is a path full of pitfalls ^^!!! Not very cool things happen, but I’ll get over it, I’m hopelessly hopeful ^^! Some people just don’t know what they’re doing and how they’re affecting people, and they don’t really care as they don’t know them… But listen… all these little and almost insignificant rocks on the road won’t wrecked my hopes. I’ve already written it, probably several times, and I’m writing it again: when two people are meant to become friends, no matter what’s gonna rise up against them, whether it is time, distance or whatsoever, they will eventually find a way to find each other again!

We’re different, that’s true! But what’s that?! An excuse?! We are special and different, and most of all… just the same too! We are humans before anything else in this world! Many people tend to think they are defined by what they’re doing for a living, but that’s just a characteristic of a person! People are defined by who they are inside, by their values, by their soul!

And YOU mate, you have a beautiful and kind soul, one of the most gentle I’ve ever known! If I could give you only one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realise how special you are to me. All around you there are people who are hurting, people who need your love, people who need your encouragement. So let God use your gifts and talents to bless them… Because they blessed me first 🙂 You might not know it at all, but you have been one of the first & only persons, who helped me write again and be more confident about my writing. I’ve come quite a long way since I met you… I got to know myself a bit better when it comes to what I needed to do to be happy… and writing is one of those things ;)! So I simply want to say THANK YOU for being kind of a salvation to me…

“I’m small, I’m young – and I’m so different. You’ve always respected that difference, and you’ve always trusted it. Trust me now. There’s a reason I am the way I am, and there’s a reason I was lead to you. There’s always a reason.”
Dean Koontz, Relentless

I don’t want anything I said or wrote to seem like a farewell, because nothing’s a farewell. Farewell is when there’s nothing else anymore, farewell is when even hope is gone! And you can trust me on that matter because, as Waterschoot once wrote, “I will never give up, just push harder because the thought of quitting is far worse than the temporary pain I’m feeling now”. I will always keep you with me, somewhere here, safe in my heart, you’ll be always on my mind, and this until we meet again… and we will (HOPE is my only motto! :p).

“Not to give up under any circumstances should be the motto of our life: we shall try again and again, and we are bound to succeed. There will be obstacles, but we have to defy them. So do not give up, do not give up! Continue, continue! The goal is ahead of you. If you do not give up, you are bound to reach your destined goal.”
Sri Chinmoy, The Jewels of Happiness: Inspiration and Wisdom to Guide Your Life-Journey

PS: Don’t let anyone change your soul, man, stay who you are, stay true to yourself & keep up. Wishing you all the very best this world has to offer. Will look to you… ALWAYS. X

“I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up, still looking up.”

I won’t give up – Jason MRAZ

Marie 🌸

3 thoughts on “Salvation

  1. Pingback: Brittany #3: Free Spirit… | On my way... by Marie

  2. First of all, sorry for giving you my thoughts about your post so late…

    I absolutely agree with you. St Exupery’s quote is perfect #TAME.
    I do believe in soulmate (both love and friendship). I think that some people are just meant to be together eventually.
    And so, when we’ve met someone we know we are so connected to, giving up is just not allowed, not even worth considering.
    Life circumstances can separate people, but we know we will always be there for each other. As someone get into your heart, it takes more than “circumstances” to erase the feeling, the power of the connection.
    Love is precious, I think it is our duty (I don’t find the right word, cause for me as we love someone I think it is not about obligations but about a spontaneous behavior), – so I deeply believe that we have to keep the other person of the relationship safe and aware of its potential.

    (I tried to explain myself clearly, hope it’s ok…)


    • It’s more than ok! It’s a beautiful, true and genuine comment! Thank you so much and worry about the delay! It was well worth waiting 😉! I will keep this little text with me, wether it is practically or emotionally speaking! Will keep those words in the deepest part of heart so that they help me the best they can to face this current situation :)! So once again, thank you my sweet Ornella 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Xxxx

Little words...